Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems

Between September 22nd-24th took place our last SHui General Assembly, first time with an hybrid format, with members of the team meeting on-site at CTU  (Prague, Czech Republic) while others connected online via a secure Teams channel with over 30 people attending.

  • On the 22nd of September, partners showed the project progress since our last meeting before the summer.
    22nd of September meeting


  • The 23rd September activities were focused on the physical attendees. They had the opportunity to enjoy a field visit at the Nučice experiment catchment and attend a workshop on GIS-assisted estimation of soil loss and sediment transport.

    Field visit at Nučice experiment catchment
  • The 24th of September was reserved for discussions on upcoming activities for the final months of the project.

Each WP leader and their teams shared their advances during the previous months and updated plans for the immediate future.