Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems

Aqua Crop:

AquaCrop is a crop growth model developed by the Land and Water Division of FAO to address food security and to assess the effect of environment and management on crop production. AquaCrop simulates yield response to water of herbaceous crops, and is particularly suited to address conditions where water is a key limiting factor in crop production. When designing the model, an optimum balance between simplicity, accuracy and robustness was pursued. To be widely applicable AquaCrop uses only a relatively small number of explicit parameters and mostly-intuitive input-variables requiring simple methods for their determination. On the other hand, the calculation procedures is grounded on basic and often complex biophysical processes to guarantee an accurate simulation of the response of the crop in the plant-soil system.

Regional Aqua Crop:

A spatially distributed modelling and assimilation system of the field-scale crop model AquaCrop version 6.1 is being developed, to simulate crop biomass production and soil moisture variability over any given domain and resolution. The AquaCrop model is parameterized with a generic C3-type of crop, which can be replaced by any other crop type, and soil characteristics based on the HWSDv1.2 at 1-km resolution. The model has been evaluated with MERRA-2 meteorological input against various satellite products and in situ soil moisture data. Ongoing research includes satellite-based data assimilation to improve the model estimates, and climate scenario analyses.

SHui Management Data Tool (experiments database):

SHui research open database, currently with over 185 entries from 5 different countries.