Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems
27th-28th October 2020

Braving local lockdowns, Tier 3 restrictions and soaring coronavirus infection rates (Belgium being the highest in EU, 2,801.59 cases per 100,000 people), SHui’s researchers gathered on a new online platform (CSIC’s CONECTA) to discuss recent progress and collaborations with SHui. Despite the challenges of the summer, a number of high points emerged from the discussions:

  • Chinese researchers are now able to conduct face-to-face focus groups with farmers
  • BOKU outlined database visualisation plans to enhance user friendliness
  • Interactions between crop / landscape models with remote sensing inputs
  • Recruitment of a “front-end specialist” by ARO to ensure Decision Support tools are farmer-accessible
  • Recruitment of a new Community Manager to enhance our stakeholder engagement

SHui partners also participated in an interactive survey to identify a way forward for SHui farmer engagement.




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