Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems

The Beijing Forestry University (BJFU) team delivered a presentation at the Second Academic Committee Meeting of Jiangxi Lushan Forest Ecosystem National Orientation Observation and Research Station, jointly held in Lushan and the Jiangxi Lushan National Nature Reserve Administration and Jiangxi Academy of Forestry held in Jiujiang (September 24th -26th, 2021). The forum was initiated by the Chinese Forest Ecosystem Research Network (CFERN) and the National Innovation Alliance for monitoring and evaluating typical forestry ecological engineering benefits of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. The forum aims to jointly build a cross-regional ecological protection alliance that contributes to simultaneous urban-rural development and to realize the goal of carbon neutrality in Jiangxi province.

The SHui working group introduced the purpose of the project to the participating scholars and distributed project flyers. Our attendance highlighted the importance of agricultural water management to balanced regional development.


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