Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems

From Nov. 20th to Nov. 21st 2019 a SHui focus group met in Austria to assess the situation of agriculture in selected areas representing agriculture in Eastern Austria and to discuss recent developments with farmers. The assessment was led by Dr. Plaas from Göttingen University (WP 5) and supported by partners from the Austrian working group, Dr. Rosner and Mr. Liebhard (WP1 team led by Prof. Klik from BOKU University and Dr. Strauß from the Austrian Federal Agency for Water Management).



Dr. Rosner, managing director for agricultural research in Lower Austria, organised meetings at four agricultural schools. Each school has a different focus of research fields, depending on local conditions for farming. Meetings were held at LFS Mistelbach (agricultural marketing, oenology), LFS Hollabrunn (crop production), LFS Pyhra (dairy farming, food technology), and LFS Tulln (energy production, landscape conservation).

Each discussion group consisted of 6-12 farmers who discussed challenges and changes in agriculture facing water scarcity and recent developments in soil tillage and protection. The choice of locations showed the diverse agricultural challenges Austrian farmers face, e.g. water availability ranging from drought to wet areas demanding drainage. As it was possible to gather farmers with diverse managing systems, Dr. Rosner was also able to invite farmers from “BodenLeben” association who take specific care for soil protection.




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