Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems

On 29th June 2020 at 1pm UK time, Prof. Ian Dodd from Lancaster University presented a complete overview of the water-saving irrigation technique termed partial rootzone drying (PRD). The webinar was joined by 55 attendees, which included early career researchers and commercial growers from at least 19 different countries, mainly from China, Spain and Austria, but also from Belgium, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Iran , Israel, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, UK and USA.

The webinar reviewed the plant physiology behind the application of PRD, the history of its development and research, and the challenges for PRD application in commercial farms. The webinar included several Q&A slots where the audience showed high interest and engagement with the subject. This event provided a friendly forum to swap best practice and help in training early career researchers affiliated with the project and beyond.






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