Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems

The coronavirus pandemic has certainly changed where and how we work, with much greater use of online learning opportunities (webinars, online conferences, discussion fora) for training Early Career Researchers.

While learning new instrumentation suitable for field work is desirable in an outdoor, socially distanced environment, many governments have imposed restrictions on how many people can meet together outdoors thus limiting the number of trainees.

Fortunately, a vast array of instructional material is already available on the internet (if you know where to look !), especially regarding the use of specific instrumentation to make measurements, as companies seek to demonstrate the capacity and ease-of-use of their products.

SHui has collated weblinks to much of this material and make it available in a structured format that includes previously existing and new video material.

* How to measure stomatal conductance with a porometer

How to measure leaf water potential with a pressure chamber in the field

* How to measure leaf (or root) water potential with a pressure chamber in the laboratory

How to measure leaf water potential via thermocouple psychrometry

How to measure leaf relative water content


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