Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems

Professor Jeffery McDonnell of the Global Institute for Water Security, Saskatchewan University, Canada, presented an insightful webinar for graduate students and early career researchers on 15th June, invited by Professor Zhiqiang Zhang, dean of Soil and Water Conservation Institute in Beijing Forestry University. This lecture attracted graduate students, technical staff and early career researchers from universities and research institutes across China. More than 100 people joined this webinar.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the scientific work of graduate students has been severely affected. This lecture undoubtedly provided students an opportunity to solve their doubts and encouraged them to face the difficulties. At the same time, it put forward many good suggestions for young workers who have just entered the scientific research industry.

Professor Jeffery McDonnell was appointed as the Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of Water and Soil Conservation, Beijing Forestry University in 2019. He was the Winner of the Dalton Medal of the European Geophysical Union, the Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer Award of geology of the United States and the chairman of the Hydrology Division of the American Geophysical Union. He has published over 300 Research papers in authoritative journals such as Nature, Science and Water Resources Research.




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