Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems


From October 8th to 11th, the SHui project organized a workshop on Catchment Hydrological Modelling, at the Jiusan Soil Conservation Experimental Station run by the Beijing Normal University at the Heilongjiang Province in Northern China.

During this meeting all the SHui participants involved on this topic presented the description of their experimental catchments and major results obtained from them, and planned the intermodel comparison across the different catchments as an integral part of SHui. This analysis will provide insight into the different models’ strengths and limitations and it will pave the way for selecting the most appropriate way of up-scaling SHui results.

This workshop included a tour of the facilities of the Jiusan station as well as a field visit to the experimental catchments located in one of largest cropping areas in China. During this workshop the participants exchanged ideas to deepen collaboration within the SHui project and beyond.


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