Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems

SHui’s second General Assembly, organised by Beijing Normal University (BNU) and moderated by Professor Suhong Liu, took place from 20th to 23rd July 2020. The meeting was held via Zoom due to travelling restrictions and was attended by 36 individuals from IAS CSIC, CEBAS CSIC, ARO, BFU, BNU, BOKU, CAU, CVUT, FAFU, MEDES, KU-Leuven, NAU, TERRAVISION, UCO, UGOE, ULANC and Euro-Funding.

To avoid internet bandwidth problems disrupting communications, most sessions occurred with participants muted and not demonstrating their “lockdown haircuts”, but there was plenty of opportunities for interaction within a packed programme. From the number of references to prior and planned publications, it is clear that research progress is gaining pace even as the pandemic has forced us to be creative in engaging with stakeholders.


The first two days of the project were devoted to showing scientific results from all WPs and participants.

Two Early Career Training Events were held online: a remote sensing and GIS workshop on 22nd July 2020, integrated in the ‘Early Career Training Plan’, and an AquaCrop calibration and validation workshop on 20th-24th July 2020. Both events were attended by SHui’s ECRs, with the latter open to a wider international audience.

On the last day, the main activities planned for the coming year and their related objectives were presented, and the integration of results from different WPs was discussed. A photo contest has been created on the website to encourage the upload of images of equipment and experiments related to SHui, and a survey launched to choose the next meeting date.


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