Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems

SHui partners participate in the following events

EIP-Agri Seminar

Healthy soils for Europe: sustainable management through knowledge and practice. Healthy soils are fundamental to the  sustainable production  of food, feed  and fibre. In addition, healthy soils  provide many other functions that contribute to human well-being such as water filtering, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling and biodiversity conservation. Soil health is affected by unsustainable management  practices. […]

European Geosciences Union

European Geosciences Union The EGU General Assembly 2021 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all […]


Session: 'Soil threats in the Mediterranean region: Status, drivers and strategies for sustainable land use'   SHui partner talk: Long-term evaluation of cover crops on soil and runoff losses under trafficked conditions in olive orchards Speaker: Jose Alfonso Gómez y Gema Guzman Monday, April 26th 2021


Session: Stable isotopes to study water and nutrient dynamics in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum Hosted by Prof. Orlowski SHui partner talk: Assessment of evaporation and transpiration ratios under varying moisture conditions in a soybean field. Speaker: Gunther  Carl Liebhard Monday, April 26th 2021

Polni Den P&L June 2021

  Meeting of farmers to present agricultural techniques as well as new scientific tools and approaches. Czech Republic.