Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems

SHui project has celebrated their General Assemby for 2019 in Vienna (Austria) from September 9th to 13th. From the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), Professors Andreas Kilk and Jose Gomez led the Consortium.

The first two days of the project were devoted to the revision of the current status of the different WPs, discussion of key issues and decision on activities planned for the next year.



The following two days were devoted to a workshop on catchment hydrologic celebrated in Institute for land and Water Management Research (Federal Agency for Water Management) in Petzenkirchen. This workshop was leaded by Professor Peter Strauss and during the workshop the participants visited the Hydrological Open Air Lab (HOAL) and the long-term plot experiment at the Agricultural Technical School of Pyhra. In these sites the different experiments and technologies used were showed and discussed.

This meeting consolidated the frame build during first year within SHui, and help to take important decisions for accelerating the pace of the project generating scientific and technical results since its second year.


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