Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems

The China-EU Soil-Crop System Water Resources Management Innovation Research Platform held its mid-term assessment preparation meeting in Beijing On November 15, 2020.

The meeting was attended by Chinese participants in the SHUI project, including Northwest A&F University, China Agricultural University, Yangtze River Academy of Sciences of the Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing Normal University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Nanjing Agricultural University, Beijing Forestry University and Fujian A&F University. The meeting was chaired by Professor Xu Weifeng, the project leader, and attended by academician Kang Shaozhong of China Agricultural University, Professor Bi Huaxing of Beijing Forestry University and Professor Wu Jianjun of Beijing Normal University as advisory experts.

During the meeting, the subject leaders discussed the completion of the project and the project common experiment. At the meeting, the experts evaluated the completion of each project. By comparing the initial goals, the project has reached the requirements of the mid-term assessment. The experts first affirmed the achievements of the work of the various units, further stressed the necessity for the SHui project to strengthen Sino-foreign cooperation and encouraged active communication and exchange on the project’s common experiment. In addition, the experts mentioned that a major focus of the SHui project should be to increase consideration of the water management platform developed to meet the application needs of farmers in actual production.


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