Managing water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems

All partners came together via ZOOM on the 15th June 2020 for the mid-term meeting of the SHui project, organised by Beijing Normal University (BNU). A total of 42 attendees from the 7 work packages and both continents joined despite the different time zones.

This mid-term meeting, which coincides with the Chinese mid-term report for MOST, provided an update of all SHui workpackages (WP) and led to useful suggestions for improving the project’s progression. SHui has already produced several publications and stakeholder dissemination activities.

Partners’ reactions to the impact of COVID-19 on the project have been encouraging. Several WPs have now implemented regular telematic meetings, and farmer meetings have been replaced by online questionnaires. A telematic plan has been developed for the next 12 months to ensure SHui keeps on track. WPs are successfully adapting, however COVID is still a threat to the project. Maintaining partner links with stakeholders and between/within WPs will require continuing frequent communication between all.

This meeting served as preparation for the General Assembly that will take place on 20th – 23rd July.